Useful Information For Parents
How do I enrol?
We recommend you Book a Tour to discuss your family’s needs and receive enrolment forms. However, we can email enrolment forms if needed. Enrolment requires your families personal details, contact information, CCS information, care start dates and collection authorities to be given to our admin to enter you and your child into our booking system.
What is CCS?
CCS stands for Child Care Subsidy. Families are assessed for their eligibility for the subsidy by Services Australia. Families apply online. Eligibility and payment amounts are also closely linked to how many hours per week parents work, study, volunteer. This calculation is based on the Parents who works the least hours per week.
What is National Quality Framework?
This framework ensures the safety, health and wellbeing of children while striving to improve Education and Development of children in Child Care in Australia.
Each Centre is rated on 7 Quality areas:
Educational program and practice
Children’s health and safety
Physical environment
Educator arrangements
Relationships with children
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
Leadership and service management
View Le Fevre CCC is assessed as Exceeding National Standard.
For more information:
What is Early Years Learning Framework?
Our centre uses the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia based curriculum. The EYLF Principles, practices and learning outcomes underpin our educational curriculums and programs for the children. This can be seen through the children’s learning documentation in individual portfolios and group programs.
What training does the staff have?
All staff require a certificate 3 in Early childhood care, Diploma Early childhood education and care or hold an approved Degree in Early Childhood Education or be actively engaged in studying for these qualifications. All staff have first aid training, asthma first aid and RAN training (mandatory notification reporting).
What support is available for children with additional needs?
We are passionate about ensuring care and education is accessible for all children. From allergies to physical or learning disabilities, we are happy to support and seek the required resources for children enrolled. At enrolment, we are happy to discuss additional needs your child/children may require.
What should I pack for my child?
You will need to pack a small bag containing:
A change of clothes
Any security items such as dummies, teddies, or blankets etc.
Clean and labelled bottles for milk
Dry formula or frozen breast milk
All meals, nappies, cow’s milk, water bottles and sunscreen are provided on-site.
Who Manages the Centre?
Day to day operations are managed by the director. The Director reports to a Management Committee that make significant decisions regarding Fees, budgets, policy and staffing. This Committee is made up of Parents and Guardians of the centre and community members.
Committee members typically serve for 2 years. Anyone interested in joining the Committee is encouraged to speak to the Director.
Downloadable Action Plans & Forms
Asthma Action Plan
Anaphylaxis Action Plan
Eczema Action Plan
Panadol Immunisation
Birthday Cake Order Form
Can’t Find What You Are Looking For?
Please contact us directly for any specialized information specific to you or your childs needs!